Sistem Informasi Penagihan Pajak Menggunakan WhatsApp Gateway di Badan Pendapatan Daerah (BAPENDA) Kabupaten Pandeglang Berbasis Web
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The problem that exists in the Regional Revenue Agency (BAPENDA)
of Pandeglang Regency in carrying out the collection or collection of swallow's
nest and billboard taxes to taxpayers still uses a manual process by sending an
Annual Return (SPT) to each taxpayer. Through certain expeditions Thus, in
collecting building land tax it is felt less efficient. The purpose of this study is to
Build a Tax Deferral Information System Using WhatsApp Gateway in order to
Increase Revenue Realization at the Web-Based Pandeglang Regional Revenue
Agency (BAPENDA) to facilitate tax collection in Bapenda Pandeglang. This
system is designed using structured design including: Flow Of System (FOS),
Contex Diagram, Data Flow Diagram (DFD), Entity Relationship Diagram
(ERD), normalization, database file structure, data dictionary design, input / output
design, for system testing using black boxes and using Sublime Text Tools as Text
Editor languages ( PHP, HTML, CSS and Java Script) and Database using
MYSQL.The forms generated in the tax collection information system include: taxpayer
forms, billboard tax forms, swallow tax letter forms and reports generated in the
form of regional tax returns (STPD) and reprimand letters and information with
Whatsapp Gateway.The system development method used is the SDLC (Software
Development Life Cycle) method. The results of this study resulted in a WhatsApp
Gateway-based billing system that can facilitate the collection of billboard and
swallow's nest taxes at the Regional Revenue Agency of Pandeglang Regency
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