Sistem Informasi Data Penghasilan Driver Di Projek Official Menggunakan SMS Gateway

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aji saputra
zaenanal Hakim
Lili Sujai
Robby Rizky


PROJEK Official is a company engaged in the field of online transportation
facilities in Pandeglang City, Banten, apart from being a means of
transportation. delivery of information about driver income which is still
submitted manually by coming to the office and asking for information about
income and not compatible with confirmation SMS, therefore the results of the
analysis that I get will create an information system by having a solution to
build "Project Driver Income Data Information System Official Using Sms
Gateway”. The system will be built on a website-based basis using the PHP,
Java & Bootstrap programming languages and designed using a structured
design starting from making Flow Of Systems (FOS), Contex Diagrams, DFD
Levels, Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD), Normalization, Data Dictionary,
Database Structures, and the design of the output process input that results in
the delivery of driver income by way of confirmation via SMS Gateway, and to
make it easier for project drivers to find out income data information and
implement the results of an official project driver income data information
information system application that uses an SMS gateway. This system can help
admins or PROJECT drivers in determining and finding information about
income data that drivers get

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How to Cite
Saputra, A. ., Hakim, zaenal, Sujai, L., & Rizky, R. (2024). Sistem Informasi Data Penghasilan Driver Di Projek Official Menggunakan SMS Gateway. SITUSTIKA FIKUNMA, 13(1). Retrieved from
Author Biography

aji saputra, universitas mathlaulanwar banten

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