Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Siswa Berprestasi di SMA Daarul Fikri Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode AHP.
Main Article Content
The problem in this study is that the selection and determination of outstanding
students has become a long and complicated process because the work has been semi
manual, namely using MS. Excel. Every student who will be selected as an outstanding
student must be in accordance with the criteria that have been set. The criteria that have
been set in this case study are the average score of report cards, extracurricular grades,
attendance and attitude. Therefore, only those who fit the criteria will be selected to be
outstanding students. Every year there are more and more students at SM A Daarul Fikri,
causing the school to find it difficult to select outstanding students. The purpose of this
study is to design a Web-Based Decision Support System for Selection of Outstanding
Students at SMA Daarul Fikri Using the AHP Method and can provide information
about the selection of outstanding students effectively and efficiently and can be
accessed easily through a Web browser. This study uses the Analytical Hierarchy
Process (AHP) Method which is one of the multi-criteria decision-making methods
based on the concept of outranking using pairwise comparisons of alternatives based on
appropriate criteria, and the results of this study produce a Decision Support System for
the Selection of Outstanding Students at SMA Daarul Fikri Web-Based Using AHP
Article Details
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